Vi Editor Print

  • 55

vi editor :

The VI editor is a screen-based editor used by many Unix users. The VI editor has powerful features to aid programmers, but many beginning users avoid using VI because the different features overwhelm them. This tutorial is written to help beginning users get accustomed to using the VI editor, but also contains sections relevant to regular users of VI as well.

Getting Started:

While using vi, at any one time you are in one of three modes of operation. These modes are known as “command mode”,  ”insert mode,” and “last line mode.”
When you start up vi, you are in “command mode.” This mode allows you to use certain commands to edit files or to change to other modes.                           For example, typing “x” while in command mode deletes the character underneath the cursor. The arrow keys move the cursor around the file which you’re editing. Generally, the commands used incommand mode are one or two characters long.
You may actually insert or edit text within “insert mode.” When using vi, you’ll probably spend most of your time within this mode. You start insert mode by using a command such as “i” (for “insert”) from command mode. Whilein insert mode, you are inserting text into the document from you current cursor location. To end insert mode andreturn to command mode, press “Esc” .
“Last line mode” is a special mode used to give certain extended commands to vi. While typing these commands,
they appear on the last line of the screen (hence the name). For example, when you type “:” from the command
mode, you jump into the last line line mode, and can use commands such as “wq” (to write the file and quit vi), or ”q!” (to quit vi without saving changes).
Last line mode is generally used for vi commands which are longer than one character. In last line mode, you enter a single-line command and press ” Enter”  to execute it
The best way to understand these concepts is to actually fire up vi and edit a file. In the example “screens” below,
we’re only going to show a few lines of text, as if the screen was only six lines high (instead of twenty-four).

General Startup
	To use vi: vi filename
	To exit vi and save changes: ZZ   or  :wq
	To exit vi without saving changes: :q!
	To enter vi command mode: [esc]

        A number preceding any vi command tells vi to repeat
	that command that many times.

 Cursor Movement

	h       move left (backspace)

	j       move down

	k       move up

	l       move right (spacebar)

	[return]   move to the beginning of the next line

	$       last column on the current line

	0       move cursor to the first column on the
		current line

	^       move cursor to first nonblank column on the
		current line

	w       move to the beginning of the next word or
		punctuation mark

	W       move past the next space

	b       move to the beginning of the previous word
		or punctuation mark

	B       move to the beginning of the previous word,
		ignores punctuation

        e       end of next word or punctuation mark

        E       end of next word, ignoring punctuation

        H       move cursor to the top of the screen 

        M       move cursor to the middle of the screen

        L       move cursor to the bottom of the screen 

Screen Movement

       G        move to the last line in the file

       xG       move to line x

       z+       move current line to top of screen

       z        move current line to the middle of screen

       z-       move current line to the bottom of screen

       ^F       move forward one screen

       ^B       move backward one line

       ^D       move forward one half screen

       ^U       move backward one half screen

       ^R       redraw screen
		( does not work with VT100 type terminals )

       ^L       redraw screen
		( does not work with Televideo terminals )


       r        replace character under cursor with next
		character typed

       R        keep replacing character until [esc] is hit

       i        insert before cursor

       a        append after cursor

       A        append at end of line

       O        open line above cursor and enter append mode


	x       delete character under cursor

	dd      delete line under cursor

        dw      delete word under cursor

        db      delete word before cursor

Copying Code

        yy      (yank)'copies' line which may then be put by
		the p(put) command. Precede with a count for
		multiple lines.

Put Command
        brings back previous deletion or yank of lines,
	words, or characters

        P       bring back before cursor

        p       bring back after cursor

Have a nice day!.......

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